Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sweating the Small Stuff

Our Family Profiles came in this past Tuesday!!  J 

We’ve been working on our Letters to the Birthmother so we could attach them to the profiles.  We want to make sure that our agency has these books from us soon so as soon as we get word that we’re “APPROVED” we can be officially waiting.  (Meaning that we’re available for birthmothers to view while making their selection of an adoptive family).
So our letters are written!!!!  Well, I wrote mine, tweaked it and re-tweaked it.  But NOW it’s done.  J  Erik finished his a couple of nights ago and it’s of course written so eloquently. 
Now my “big dilemma” is how to attach the letters to our books.  My original plan of just attaching them straight to the pages (lying flat) was ruined when we both realized that each of our letters are 2 pages each.  Neither of us can get our letters down to just one page.  This has “required” me staying up super late each night contemplating all of the possible ways to attach the letters to the photobook.  (In case you’re wondering- - the ways are limitless.)  I just made up my mind that a decision had to be made today.  J  I thought for sure I’d just get 2 envelopes, glue the back of each to the pages and insert the letters.  Simple.   Or so I thought.  I couldn’t find cute enough envelopes that would coordinate with the pattern of the pages in the book!  So what would any rational person do in this situation??  Why, watch numerous youtube videos to learn how to MAKE envelopes out of scrapbook paper, of course!  Haha!  I have some mad envelope making skills now, people!  Hahahaha!!
Buuuuut- - these envelopes make the book too thick.  It just doesn’t lay nice and flat.  Hmmph.  So Plan B… well, more like Plan F- - I’ll staple the 2 pages, fold the letter twice (like you’d fold it to insert into a business sized envelope), glue the back of the 2nd page to the book, attach Velcro pieces to the ends of the folds to close the letter and I’m embellishing them each with “his” and “hers” stickers and flowers.  J  I’m super excited and will post a picture when it’s complete.  I have to print the letters tomorrow on cardstock or at least some kind of thicker paper than normal….. then I can finish this project!!
Okay- - so while I’m “sweating the small stuff”- - Erik is as laid back as ever.  He lays his head down at night without a care, trusting God’s timing and not questioning for a single moment that we may make some “error” in our “presentation” of ourselves.  Bless his sweet little heart.  I love that man. 

Tonight, I decided to read through each of our letters again and I just have to share with y’all a couple of statements from Erik’s letter to the birthmother:

“This is such an important decision you are making for yourself and your baby, and we thank you for efforts in seeking the best possible life for your child. … I am confident that your child is going to be well-cared for and, most importantly, well-loved by the couple you choose.”

He said lots of other super great things but this especially resonated with me.  “well-loved by the couple you choose.”  He didn’t choose to say - well-loved by US!  Such a sweet, simple reminder that this is NOT just about US bringing our baby home.  There are babies that need loving homes.  There are wonderful families waiting to welcome a child into their homes.  We cannot forget that while God is creating these precious children, he a l r e a d y knows who his/her parents are going to be.  It really does not depend on envelopes, embellishments or stickers.  J

“Don’t sweat the small stuff…. And it’s all small stuff.”  ~Richard Carlson

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