Saturday, January 14, 2012

Last Interview!!

We had our last adoption interview yesterday!!!!!! J  Our caseworker came to our house at 9am and left around 10am.  I made sausage balls and coffee this time.  (She just had coffee.) J
I guess this was technically our “Service Plan Meeting” because that was the main topic of discussion.  Our Service Plan is a long list of different things relating to the child and the birthparents.  We had to fill this out in all of our paperwork a few months ago indicating what we are open to when it comes to adopting a child.  It covers the child’s heritage, birthmother’s history, birthfather’s history, medical conditions, etc.  We had to mark “Yes”, “No” or “Will Consider” on each item.
Anyway, this meeting was super easy because we just discussed that we know this is in God’s hands so we feel uncomfortable “closing doors” by checking “No”.  God knows who our child is, who the birthparents are and whoever our child is……  Is a perfect fit for all of us!!!! J
(*We did mark “No” on the HIV option.  L  When we first filled the Service Plan out, we had to skip this question and come back to it in tears.  We had a hard time saying no to this because it’s not the child’s fault.  Since we hope to have more children in the future, we felt we had to say no.  L )
Our caseworker already has a rough draft of our Home Study done!!  J  She let us read over it yesterday to see if there was anything inaccurate in it.  It looked gooooooooooooooood to us!!  When we got to the end, she had a statement of something like, “It is recommended for Erik and Mallory to be approved…” and Erik said, “That’s all I needed to see!!”  J 
She left and Erik and I gave each other the biggest bear hug ever!  J  We are SO close to getting on that Waiting List!!!!!!!!! J
We’re working on our Family Profile:  We’ve gone through all of our pictures (hundreds and hundreds of pictures!!) and narrowed it down to 200 or so.  We will narrow this group down too but getting this far is a feat within itself!! J  We’re almost to the point of putting the book together!! YAY!!!!  Our goal is to get them ordered in the next couple of days!  (This is super time consuming!!) 
We will write our letters to the birthmother after we order our books.  We’re leaving a couple of blank pages in the front of the book so we can attach our letters to those pages.
Thanks again for following us along this journey and praying with us!!  J  Happy Weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. It's such a blessing to read about your joy through this process! Your family is in our prayers :)
