Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Individual Interviews!


We snapped this picture after we had our individual interviews last night!! 
They were a breeze just like the home visit!!  J  Praise God!!!!

We met our caseworker at her office and I went first.  My interview took almost an hour and a half.  Clearly- I’m a talker and had no problem giving her lots of details with every question she asked.  She asked lots of personal questions about me, my marriage, my family, etc.  We laughed a lot and I felt as if we were establishing a friendship.  J
Erik went after me and his interview was only about 45 minutes.  J  haha!  We are so different.

By the way, our caseworker loves us!  YAYYYY!!!!  I mean, that is WONDERFUL considering she’s writing our home study!!!!  J  She said that she thinks it’s so sweet how highly we speak of one another, that having a marriage as positive, loving and respectful as ours is a rarity and that we should write a book.  Haha!  She stated again that she thinks we will make wonderful parents!  J  J  J  J  YAY!!  Bless her.

Oh- - and guess what?!  (I don’t think you’re ready for this……….)

Our LAST interview is THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She’s coming to our house for it!  (Erik was like- - “oh no…. does this mean we have to clean all over again?!” hahahahaha)  We’ll just “straighten up”.  J

Erik and I have been busy sorting through pictures to put in our Family Profile for the birthmothers to look through.  They ask that you only have 4-8 pages of pictures (front and back).  It’s hard narrowing the pictures down!  (We take lots of pictures!)  We want to include a good variety but at the same time don’t want to cram in too many pictures on a page and overwhelm the folks looking through them!

(Our agency didn’t give us the guidelines for the Family Profile until last Thursday.  They told us at Orientation (back in August) that they didn’t want us stressing over it because we had plenty of paperwork and appointments to complete before working on the Profile.  Well- - ‘thanks a lot agency.  Since you’ve waited until NOW to give it to us- - I’m STRESSED about it!’  Grrrr….) 
We need to have these Profiles made, ordered and shipped to us by the time our home study is back approved so we don’t have to wait on them to get on the Waiting list!

Oh- - and the most important part of the Profile- - We each have to write a letter to the birthmother.  Wow.  We’re working on that.  Talk about pouring your heart into something.  Sheesh.    

As always, thank you for your encouragement and prayers.  I can’t wait to get our baby home and introduce y’all to him/her/them!  J 

“When we put our cares in His hands, He puts His peace in our hearts.”  ~Author unknown   

1 comment:

  1. Aren't you glad you didn't have to play the Not-So-Newlywed game? Ha ha.
