Friday, September 23, 2011

The story of today

Heads up:  This post is drenched in useless detail…. So unless you love useless detail like I do, you may want to skip this post.  J
This week has been pretty positive overall.    We have been showered with goodness, love and encouragement regarding our adoption and have been praising the Lord a great deal.  Praising the Lord’s name always awakens Satan and here he comes, swooping in, trying to sabotage things.  Satan- - you are mean.
(First off- - nothing terrible has happened…. I’m just venting….)
This morning I woke up with a stuffy nose, sore throat and aching body.  L  So, what does any self-respecting adult do?  Roll out of bed, throw on sweat pants and a hoodie to go with the oversized t-shirt I slept in, pull hair back, put earrings on (yes- - as silly as it is, that’s important to me) and throw on a ball cap.  I was headed to Starbucks to get a non-fat, no-whip white chocolate mocha.   (I know, I know… it’s the first day of fall… many would say I should have gotten a pumpkin spice latte… But I think I’m the only person in the world that doesn’t like those! *gasp*  I know.  Absurd.  ;o)  haha)
Sipping on my mocha, I stroll back home.  (Praise God today was a day I had scheduled to work at home).  I shed my hoodie and slipped into my wonderfully plush Hello Kitty robe.  I sat at my desk and the mocha helped my throat- - until the drink was gone, of course.  Next, I decided to eat some Ricolas (riiiiiiiiiiiCOlaahh!) haha.... (they kind of help your throat but I hate the way your mouth gets really cold when you breathe after eating them.)  As I was working, I heard the mailman delivering mail outside!  I got really excited because I was expecting TWO things for the benefit (these little cards I made through Vistaprint and a puzzle I ordered- - we’re doing that thing where people buy a puzzle piece, write their name on it and we’ll hang the completed puzzle in the baby’s room symbolizing the “team” that helped us bring him/her home!).   I peered through the window like a creeper waiting for the mailman to disappear onto another street so I could go out to the mailbox “as is”.  Soon, he was gone, so out I went.  Aaaaand.  Nothing.  Okay- - two soliciting things in the mail but nothing important.  And CERTAINLY not what I was anticipating!  L  Boooo.
I returned to work (at my desk) and decided I needed some medicine because I was not feeling well.  The only medicine we had that was for “cold-related symptoms” was Nyquil.  I only took 1 so I could stay awake and still function.  I received a call from a dear friend that told me a funny story about a massage experience she had, so that was nice to have a good laugh.  J 
The rest of the afternoon I kept peering out the window (again- - like a weird creeper or a paranoid crazy) waiting for UPS.  I was expecting our t-shirt order to arrive today!!  I CANNOT WAIT to see them!  Around 4:30pm I called the company we ordered them from to ask if they had a tracking number for them.  I was on hold FOREVER then finally a sweet man (he really was sweet) came on to explain that a mistake was made.  The t-shirts were “checked” in their system that they were printed but they were NOT.  So they of course haven’t SHIPPED either! L  Grrrrrr…  They said they’d get them out to us by Monday.  So we should have them by Wednesday of next week.
Okay, so I decide to put an end to my pity party and get in the shower.  Right before I got in the shower I got word that we did not get the food donated for our benefit and we’ll  have to make the spaghetti ourselves.  You see…. we've been eagarly waiting to hear from a restaurant in town hoping they would donate the spaghetti because they’ve done stuff like that before… so we felt really good about it.  Well,…. booooooo.  They are not able to donate it for us.  L
So…… that’s it.  Just a few of my bubbles were burst today.  All while not feeling well.  Satan- - I’ll say it again…. You’re mean.  But GOD IS GOOD!
Things are looking up.  We have sweet family to help make the food for our benefit and Erik’s bringing Demo’s Soup and Salad home for dinner.  So I’m all “clean and shiny” (as my mom says) and ready to chill out with my hubby.  We’ll have a nice relaxing start to our weekend.  Hopefully I’ll feel better by tomorrow. 
If you've read this entire detailed post of non-sense, bless you. J You're nice.  Happy Weekend!!

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