Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Misunderstanding

This post is off the subject of us trying to conceive.... I just could not resist sharing this with ya'll....  :o)

(For those of you that don't know already, I am an Independent Support Coordinator.  Basically what that means is that I coordinate services for individuals that receive funding from the Dept of Mental Retardation Services to ensure they are safe, happy and living as independently as possible in their homes/communities.)

Okay, so today I was visiting one of the ladies I support at a Day Program.  While I was visiting with her, a little woman walked up and stood really closely to me.  I had never met her before so I smiled and waited a moment not knowing whether or not she could communicate verbally. 

And here's how our conversation panned out....

me:  "Hi, I'm Mallory.  What's your name?"
lady:  "We're having a party today." - - spoken very indistinctly.
me:  "oh! you're having a party today?"  (trying to confirm that's what she said)
lady:  "we are?!"
me:  "oh.. uhm.... no.... I mean,... maybe?... I thought you said you were having a party?  but I dont know....
lady:  "we are?!"
me:  "uhm... I'm really not sure....  Is it your birthday or something today?"
lady:  "It is?!"
me:  "oh!.. uhm... no?... I mean,... it might be?....but.."
lady:  "party for my birthday?!"
me:  "uhhhhhhhm,...... I'm not sure.... are you... it...... uh.... is there a party?.."
lady:  "there is?!!".....

This was extremely awkward and I kept making it worse! LOL! ....  Bless that little lady's heart.  I hope they did have a party.  And I hope it just so happened to be her birthday.  :-/

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