Thursday, November 10, 2011

Closet Nesting

I may have already mentioned this- - but our Home Study paperwork is turned in!!  I thought the very next step was a home visit.  It sort of is, but before it is scheduled, we’re supposed to get a call from our caseworker informing us what all needs to be in our profile (aka- - basically a scrapbook for the birthmothers to look through).  We’re still waiting on that call!! J  They say after the call we can go ahead and start working on the profile, we’ll have a couple of appointments with our caseworker, THEN we’ll have a home visit……. Come on with it!! J
I can only imagine the “deep cleaning” we will do for our home visit.  I “know” they won’t walk in with a white glove, sweeping it across all surfaces…….. BUT……  I’ll want it spotless “just in case”.  Haha
Even though I’m sure our home visit probably won’t be for another few weeks (at best) I’ve already started feeling the urgency to get our house clean and in order.  I printed out a Cleaning Schedule and have it on the refrigerator.  J  (I’m sure you can imagine the excitement Erik conveyed when I showed him this schedule. Haha)  This is just to maintain a clean house so when we have our Home Visit scheduled we can focus on the “deep cleaning”.  
I’m a fairly organized person in general.  I LOVE for everything to have a place.  But things just “having their place” is no longer sufficient to me.  Now I’m on this kick where I feel that everything should have its own tub or basket.  I’m talking under cabinets, in closets, etc.  I was putting boxes in my closets and had plans to cover them with fabric (an idea I found online).  I thought it was such a grand idea until my mom informed me that you can buy those little cloth basket things for like $1 or $2.  That same day I went and bought about 10 cloth basket things and I need MORE!  It may be overkill but I am LOVING having everything grouped together in different baskets!  Now when I open our bathroom closets or look under the sinks I feel such joy.  J  ahhhh….  The small joys in life. 
I think I’m kind of pre-nesting.  You know, preparing for a child.  Since my focus right now is our closets….I guess you could call it closet nesting?? Haha!  I’m thinking: we get more organized, then our time spent cleaning is more efficient, then we’ll have more quality time to spend with each other and with our child in the near future!  J 
I love thinking about getting things in such order before a child enters our lives.  We’re….hmm…. well, probably more like I’m thinking about all of these different “systems” we should have in place so we can have a structured household when our sweet baby comes home!  Erik is so very kind to entertain these ideas with me.  J  I know he thinks I’m crazy and over-ambitious when it comes to all of my “systems”.  If nothing else, it’s fun talking about them and preparing our house for our sweet baby!  We may still be quite a ways away from our child but we sure feel like we’re a huge step closer!! 
I used to feel like “one day” I’ll be a mommy.  “One day” we’ll experience what it’s like to be parents.  “One day” we’ll have a sweet baby to love and cherish.  One day, one day, one day.  I always wondered- - when will it happen??....... But God is blessing us NOW.  It IS happening!!  We may not have our child in our arms YET….. but we know that God is working on that.  J  Thank you, Lord for strengthening our faith through all of this!!!!
“Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.”  Hebrews 11:1 NCV
Please continue praying with us along this journey!  Thank you!! J

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