Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Baby" steps

All of this adoption agency research has been hard work!  It started with lots and lots of information packets, DVDs, brochures, magazines, etc.  We got it down to our top 3 agencies that I organized in a hot pink floral binder ;o) with colorful/patterned tabs.  I’ve kept records of every phone call, email, contact, contact “attempt”, question, answer and “non-answer” answer.

Our pros and cons lists weren’t helping that much because one agency’s strength is another’s weakness.  Plus, before we could even decide on an agency, we had to know where we wanted to adopt our baby from.

Decision to be made:  Domestic or International Adoption?  After lots and lots of praying, reading, talking, crying and more praying………… We have officially chosen DOMESTIC ADOPTION for this first time around!!  (We plan on adopting from China in a few years, Lord willing.)  But for right now, our baby is in the USA!!  :o)

Now that we know we’re going to move forward with domestic adoption, we have chosen the adoption agency we will work with!  Which means……… nothing is holding us back now!!  (I’m freaking out!!!!)

Step 1:  Preliminary Application with a $50 fee. 

(I told my parents that we had chosen an adoption agency and were planning on starting the process next month.  We didn’t really have a “good” reason for waiting until next month…. It just feels good to start things on the 1st of a month, right?….  Knowing that the 1st fee was $50, my dad handed me a $50 bill and said, “Will this help you go ahead and get started?”  Bless him.)

That $50 bill has been on our refrigerator all week as a small reminder of the great support we have from our family.  :o)

“So encourage each other and give each other strength, just as you are doing now.”  ~I Thessalonians 5:11 NCV

Earlier this week we called and requested the preliminary application packet from the adoption agency.  The lady said she’d email it to us.  About 4 hours later, we had not received it.  I called again “just to make sure she had my correct email address”.  (We were SO anxious to have this preliminary application in our hands!!)  She apologized but said she was reviewing it to make sure everything was current/correct in it and would get it to us within 24 hrs.  *sigh*  Okay.  We can wait.

After 24 hours…… nothing.  Erik called this time.  She apologized and said that their system was down and she’d have to mail it to us (aka SNAIL MAIL)!  Okay… I understand this is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things…. But we are READY to do this thing!!  But okay, we’ll wait for the stinkin’ snail mail to bring it.  *sigh*

But guess what?!  TODAY we got the preliminary application in my email!! YAY!!!!  We will fill it out together TONIGHT and put it in the mail TOMORROW!!  (Okay, so I’ll probably put it in the mailbox tonight just to MAKE SURE we don’t miss the mailman tomorrow). ;o) 

We’re EXCITED!!!!!

Even though I am super giddy to have this huge decision made and to actually be able to move FORWARD, I am fully aware that this is only the beginning to a potentially very long process.  It takes several months to complete all of the paperwork, homestudy, assessments, etc.  After all of that is approved (HOPEFULLY we will be approved), we will be on the official waiting list.  We are told that a family can wait as little as 2 months or as long as 5 years.  (The birthmother chooses the family for the adopted child).

This is the 1st of many “baby” steps that we will take towards OUR baby!!!!! 

It will so be worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. When I read the part about your daddy handing you a $50, I teared up. I am praying for you, sweet lady, and I am so happy for you!

